Forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta
Forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta

forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta

You could just plonk down a couple of the dozens upon dozens of Faces of the Ancients/Gate of the Sun Gods that are won in GE's = quest done.ī) most production quests can be complete via 2x2 Blacksmiths. That could help keep interest high (and diamond spending, which Inno needs) and let event buildings increase in power much more slowly.Ĭlick to expand.a) you could always 'build' 1 previous era cultural building, then delete it, build a 2nd one, then delete it = quest done. Earning some uniquely themed avatars would also be a draw. Historical events could offer interesting buildings with cool designs/animations, distinguishing them from those offered in the recurrent annual events.

forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta

If these offered roughly the same benefits/power as other recent event buildings, that might reduce the current demand for constantly one-upping the power of each new event building.

forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta

One idea from the US forum was to bring back a few historical quests, which would offer uniquely themed buildings. So now, possibly, camping in an era to get every more powerful event buildings may be enough, and many folks may then decide to postpone advancing eras. Much of this use to come from advancing eras. whether to fight or negotiate GE, re-balance production vs population buildings, redesign the city, etc. Recently, event buildings come along every couple of months that seem to quite alter the game play in your same era: i.e. Currently, part of the motivation to advance is to experience some differences in game play: army strategies may need to change, layouts need to be adjusted, etc. If there is too much change and turn-over, the strategy part is somewhat undercut, making it less interesting, IMHO. This starts to accelerate how fast past event buildings get obsolete.įoe supposedly is a game that rewards a longer-term perspective, and having a well thought out strategy for advancing, even if there are numerous main paths -trading, framing, fighting, or a mix- that a person can choose from. It seems the players are starting to automatically expect/demand that each subsequent event offers a building ever more powerful. I think there is something to your point.

Forge of empires halloween event 2019 beta